Monday, August 9, 2010

I want someone to love me like this

When I die I want someone
to pester the only remaining
photo lab in town,
with piles of pictures of our life.
Two copies of us kissing
in the backyard.
Four copies of me standing
in the snow with that funny hat I love.
Three copies of our first
born, on his first day home.
Four copies of a faded picture,
torn and discolored,
of me
just smiling at them.

I want someone to leave my coat
thrown over my desk chair.
I want someone to have mismatched pillows
for months, because they can still
smell my scent on one.

I want someone to cry every time
they hear a Johnny Cash song,
they see a stray cat,
they can't get a knot out,
someone is driving without their
headlights on.

When I die I want someone
to love me like this.

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