Tuesday, August 24, 2010

An Actor's Life For Me

Today I bought a yellow coat
At the Goodwill.
It cost 6 dollars and 99 cents.
It reminded me of Catherine Deneuve.
It seemed out of place amongst,
The other coats that hung with it.
Last night I dreamt of Charlton Heston,
I couldn’t find a piece of paper to get
His autograph.
He didn’t have a gun.
Marlon Brando died this week.
Everyone says he was their
Father, and now his lawyer
Says he wasn’t bankrupt after all.
They still can’t find his Oscars.
I haven’t taken my meds for
3 days, and this reminds me of him.
My son is 3 years old,
And says that I look like a princess.
He is sleeping now,
Holding a yellow ball in his arms.
Someday he may be an actor,
And someone will buy a coat
Because it will remind them of him.

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